534 research outputs found

    Long-Term Drug Misuse Increases the Risk of Cognitive Dysfunctions in Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators: Key Intervention Targets for Reducing Dropout and Reoffending

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    Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is a major public health problem, with an important mortality rate in women across the world. In this regard, it has been well-established that drug misuse explains (at least in part) an increased risk of IPVAW perpetration. Even though alcohol is the most widely studied drug underlying IPVAW, other drugs, such as cannabis and cocaine also seem to be significant indicators of this type of violence. Nonetheless, little is known about mediators, such as cognitive domains that facilitate proneness to violence after drug consumption. Therefore, the primary objective of the present study was to compare drug misuse patterns and cognitive performance in a carefully selected sample of IPVAW perpetrators (n = 63) and a group of non-violent men (control group; n = 39). Second, we also aimed to study the association between different patterns of drug misuse and cognitive performance and several facets of IPVAW perpetration (i.e., severity of injuries and type of aggression). Our results revealed that IPVAW perpetrators showed considerably higher levels of sustained drug misuse (alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and heroin) for years and worse cognitive performance than controls. Moreover, the highest drug misuse sustained over time was related to the worst cognitive performance and the highest IPVAW severity. Finally, alcohol and cocaine seemed to be related to IPVAW and risk of reo ending. Whereas, cannabis, heroin, and MDMA were related to the existence of a previous criminal record (delinquency without violence). Hence, research in this field would help to develop coadjutant treatments and intervention packages to reduce drug misuse in the initial stages, which in turn would reduce cognitive impairments in IPVAW perpetrators. These expected improvements migh

    Mobile Applications Incidence in the Decision Making of Potential Tourists in Huelva City

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    El presente trabajo presenta un análisis sobre los hábitos de consumo y del proceso de compra/reservas de productos o servicios turísticos a través de aplicaciones móviles en Huelva capital. Entre los resultados más significativos se pudo encontrar que 52,04% de los potenciales turistas utilizan las aplicaciones móviles, siendo totalmente determinante en su decisión de compra los comentarios y opiniones de otros turistas en dichas plataformas, así como las fotografías del destino a escoger, aun entendiendo que dichas informaciones suelen ser falsas o manipuladas.This paper presents an analysis of spending habits and buying process of travel services through mobile applications in Huelva city. Among the most significant results can be found that 52.04% of potential tourists use mobile applications, being fully decisive in their decision to purchase the comments and opinions of other tourists on these platforms, as well as photographs of the destination you choose, while they are understanding that such information often false or manipulated

    Estereotipos, tópicos y lenguaje de la programación sensacionalista en la televisión: programa «Corazón» de TVE

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    La televisión es considerada como un instrumento socializador, moderador de conciencias, y sobre todo, protagonista de la creación de la opinión crítica de la audiencia en programas relacionados con la vida social de las figuras más reconocidas en la actualidad sensacionalista. A raíz de la emisión de este tipo de programas suelen plantearse cuestiones como los efectos negativos al establecerse estereotipos y tópicos por el exceso de consumo de programas de crónica rosa y de dependencia del medio por parte la audiencia a no dejar de verlo. Existen pocos estudios realizados en cuanto a la recreación de mitos y estereotipos, así como el análisis del lenguaje de los programas relacionados con la crónica rosa. En este sentido, el Presente trabajo será el punto de partida de futuras propuestas para mejorar el consumo televisivo y así optimizar la creación de la percepción crítica de los telespectadores. A partir de los criterios y bases de estudio seleccionados, se pretende medir, usando una metodología cualitativa basada en la observación no participante y el análisis del discurso, con sus codificaciones previas, el programa «Corazón» de TVE con el objetivo de obtener resultados concretos que validen la repercusión mediática de este tipo de programas de prensa rosa, y a su vez el papel de los famosos y los informadores como protagonistas de la noticia. // Television is considered as a socializing instrument, ethical moderator and a prime mover of audience’s critical opinion, even though TV programs broadcasting focused on public life through tabloids, also known as pink press, have produced negative effects on stereotypes and topics due to excessive consumption of celebrity gossip and reliance of the spectators. There are a lack of researches about myths and stereotypes and language analysis related to pink press, therefore, this article is a starting point to future proposal that will improve the viewing consumption and audience’s critical perception. Based on a justified criteria and selected documents, this research evaluates a Television Program named «Corazón», broadcasted by TVE, through qualitative methodology based on non- participant observation and discourse analysis with its previous encodings for the purpose of obtaining several results that validate the media repercussion of this type of programs and also the role of journalists and celebrities as lead characters

    Ontology-based context representation and reasoning for object tracking and scene interpretation in video

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    Computer vision research has been traditionally focused on the development of quantitative techniques to calculate the properties and relations of the entities appearing in a video sequence. Most object tracking methods are based on statistical methods, which often result inadequate to process complex scenarios. Recently, new techniques based on the exploitation of contextual information have been proposed to overcome the problems that these classical approaches do not solve. The present paper is a contribution in this direction: we propose a Computer Vision framework aimed at the construction of a symbolic model of the scene by integrating tracking data and contextual information. The scene model, represented with formal ontologies, supports the execution of reasoning procedures in order to: (i) obtain a high-level interpretation of the scenario; (ii) provide feedback to the low-level tracking procedure to improve its accuracy and performance. The paper describes the layered architecture of the framework and the structure of the knowledge model, which have been designed in compliance with the JDL model for Information Fusion. We also explain how deductive and abductive reasoning is performed within the model to accomplish scene interpretation and tracking improvement. To show the advantages of our approach, we develop an example of the use of the framework in a video-surveillance application.This work was supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2008- 06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, SINPROB, CAM MADRINET S-0505/TIC/0255 and DPS2008–07029-C02–02.Publicad

    Ontological representation of context knowledge for visual data fusion

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    8 pages, 4 figures.-- Contributed to: 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2009 (FUSION '09, Seattle, Washington, US, Jul 6-9, 2009).Context knowledge is essential to achieve successful information fusion, especially at high JDL levels. Context can be used to interpret the perceived situation, which is required for accurate assessment. Both types of knowledge, contextual and perceptual, can be represented with formal languages such as ontologies, which support the creation of readable representations and reasoning with them. In this paper, we present an ontology-based model compliant with JDL to represent knowledge in cognitive visual data fusion systems. We depict the use of the model with an example on surveillance. We show that such a model promotes system extensibility and facilitates the incorporation of humans in the fusion loop.This work was supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, SINPROB, CAM MADRINET S-0505/TIC/0255 and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Communication in distributed tracking systems: an ontology-based approach to improve cooperation

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    Current Computer Vision systems are expected to allow for the management of data acquired by physically distributed cameras. This is especially the case for modern surveillance systems, which require communication between components and a combination of their outputs in order to obtain a complete view of the scene. Information fusion techniques have been successfully applied in this area, but several problems remain unsolved. One of them is the increasing need for coordination and cooperation between independent and heterogeneous cameras. A solution to achieve an understanding between them is to use a common and well-defined message content vocabulary. In this research work, we present a formal ontology aimed at the symbolic representation of visual data, mainly detected tracks corresponding to real-world moving objects. Such an ontological representation provides support for spontaneous communication and component interoperability, increases system scalability and facilitates the development of high-level fusion procedures. The ontology is used by the agents of Cooperative Surveillance Multi-Agent System, our multi-agent framework for multi-camera surveillance systems.This work was supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02=TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02=TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009=TIC-1485) and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    A Practical Approach to the Development of Ontology-Based Information Fusion Systems

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    Proceedings of: NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Prediction and Recognition of Piracy Efforts Using Collaborative Human-Centric Information Systems, Salamanca, 19-30 September, 2011Ontology-based representations are gaining momentum among other alternatives to implement the knowledge model of high-level fusion applications. In this paper, we provide an introduction to the theoretical foundations of ontology-based knowledge representation and reasoning, with a particular focus on the issues that appear in maritime security –where heterogeneous regulations, information sources, users, and systems are involved. We also present some current approaches and existing technologies for high-level fusion based on ontological representations. Unfortunately, current tools for the practical implementation of ontology-based systems are not fully standardized, or even prepared to work together in medium-scale systems. Accordingly, we discuss different alternatives to face problems such as spatial and temporal knowledge representation or uncertainty management. To illustrate the conclusions drawn from this research, an ontology-based semantic tracking system is briefly presented. Results and latent capabilities of this framework are shown at the end of the paper, where we also envision future opportunities for this kind of applications.This research activity is supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485) and DPS 2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Implantación de las buenas prácticas de laboratorio en la asignatura "Química para las Ingenierias" en la Universitat Jaume I

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    Comunicación presentada en la V Jornada Nacional sobre Estudios Universitarios, celebrades en la Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, España), los dies 12 y 13 de Noviembre de 2015.En el presente artículo, se detalla la implementación de las Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio (BPL) en el laboratorio de la asignatura «Química para las Ingenierías» (EX1006), impartida en varios grados de ingeniería (Agroalimentaria y del Medio Ambiente, Mecánica, Eléctrica, Tecnologías Industriales y Química) de la Universitat Jaume I. Las BLP son un conjunto de normas y procedimientos operativos acerca de la forma adecuada de organizar y trabajar en el laboratorio en una amplia variedad de disciplinas científicas, incluida la química. El principal objetivo de las BPL es asegurar la fiabilidad, estabilidad y calidad de los resultados. Para ello, se indica cómo el procedimiento experimental debe ser planificado, ejecutado, supervisado, anotado, registrado y archivado. Asimismo, proporciona recomendaciones para la gestión del laboratorio, en especial para minimizar el vertido de residuos tóxicos, e incrementar la seguridad laboral en el laboratorio. Varias organizaciones y agencias internacionales (industria farmacéutica, la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, US Food and Drug Administration y la Comisión Europea), han desarrollado y promulgado varios conjuntos de normas BLP. La Universitat Jaume I considera que un conocimiento profundo y una aplicación adecuada de las BPL son muy importantes para desarrollar un trabajo correcto en el laboratorio químico. Por ello, los estudiantes de química deben ser conscientes desde el primer curso académico de su relevancia, así como conocer las normas principales y la forma de aplicarlas en el laboratorio. Por ello, las BPL se han incluido en la guía docente de la asignatura de Laboratorio de Química para las Ingenierías (1er curso académico) Además, los profesores deben centrarse en las BLP al impartir la docencia, para un correcto aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes. Se requirió a los estudiantes que evaluasen el proceso de implantación y mostrasen su grado de aceptación de las BPL, mediante un cuestionario global de la asignatura. Como resultado final, se puede remarcar que los estudiantes comprendieron la utilidad de las BPL y la importancia de conocerlas para su futuro laboral, así como la necesidad de su inclusión en la guía docente de las asignatura de laboratorios de química

    Control de Sagina procumbens en viveros de arándano

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    Sagina procumbens es una mala hierba problemática en los viveros de arándano de la costa suroeste de España. Además de la falta de herbicidas autorizados, existe carencia de información sobre eficacia y selectividad de posibles candidatos para su inclusión en el registro. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer la eficacia y selectividad de una serie de herbicidas. Se han realizado ensayos de campo en tres ambientes y con tres momentos o formas de aplicación. El diseño experimental ha sido completamente al azar, con 3 ambientes x 3 momentos x 11 tratamientos x 6 repeticiones. Los resultados muestran unos buenos resultados de eficacia y selectividad de aclonifen, diflufenican y linurón. Los tratamientos con metribuzina, clopiralida y flazasulfurón causaron severos daños al cultivo. Oxifluorfen, pendimetalina y prosulfocarb tambien presentan riesgo de fitotoxicidad, y oxadiazon no mostró eficacia en el control de S. procumbens

    A propósito de los experimentos mentales: una tentativa para la construcción de explicaciones en ciencias

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    In the analysis in some research is done to show how the experiment has been established since the Middle Ages, a powerful strategy for the construction of scientific explanations. In the seventeenth century thought experiments are highlighted, such as Galileo, Descartes, Newton and Leibniz (Brown, 1986; Koyré 1968, Kuhn 1964, 246-252). In modern times, the creation of quantum mechanics (Kühne, 2005, pp 280-317, Popper, 1959) and relativity (Brown, 1987; Norton, 1991 and 1993) are almost unthinkable without the crucial role of thought experiments. In 1811, in an essay Hans Christian Ørsted is the first to use the term Gedankenexperiment (experiments conducted in thought) to refer to a special source of knowledge (cf. Ørsted, 1811), and was also the first Gedankenversuch use the German equivalent in 1820. Years later, Ernst Mach used the term differently Gedankenexperimentto denote only imagined driving a real physical experiment and hence the contrast between physical experiments and the experiment. In this respect we can say that was Ernst Mach who coined this term in the philosophical discussion (Mach, 1897). This term is used by Mach (1948) in a broad sense. According to him, outside the physical testing (empirical), the man who reaches an advanced intellectual development, often uses mental experimentation. However, this type of experiment is unusual in the teaching of physics. With didactic intentions, an analysis of the historical and epistemological perspective Mach (1948) on the grounds that their particular way of taking these experiments, allows reframing these in the teaching of physics. In this perspective, the experiment is assumed as the construction of a hypothetical scenario where they represent circumstances or events that arise from consequences created by the subject also from conjecture to respond to an intentionality. In terms, the experiment can be assumed as an act of thought which values the experience preserved for the memory and language, ie, the thought experiment becomes a resource of imagination for creating and viewing possible worlds. From the analysis of classic situations like the fall of bodies in Galileo, the bucket of water to illustrate Newton's absolute space, sets some features, functions and legitimacy of the experiments. Educational implications are finally established that thought experiments can illustrate and experiment show that an attempt may be suitable for physics education.En el análisis realizado en algunas investigaciones se logra evidenciar como el experimento mental se ha constituido, desde la edad media, en una potente estrategia para la construcción de explicaciones científicas. En el siglo XVII se destacan experimentadores mentales, como los de Galileo, Descartes, Newton y Leibniz (Brown, 1986; Koyré, 1968; Kuhn, 1964, 246-252). En los tiempos actuales, la creación de la mecánica cuántica (Kühne, 2005, pp 280-317; Popper, 1959) y la relatividad (Brown, 1987; Norton, 1991 y 1993) son casi impensables sin la función fundamental de los experimentos mentales. En el año de 1811, en un ensayo Hans Christian Ørsted, es el primero en utilizar el término Gedankenexperiment (experimentos conducidos en los pensamientos) para referirse a una fuente especial de conocimiento (cf. Ørsted, 1811), y fue también el primero en emplear el equivalente alemán Gedankenversuch en 1820. Años más tarde Ernst Mach empleó el término Gedankenexperiment de forma diferente para denotar exclusivamente la conducción imaginaria de un experimento físico real y de allí el contraste entre la experimentación física y el experimento mental. Al respecto se puede decir que fue Ernst Mach quien acuñó este término en la discusión filosófica (Mach, 1897). Este término es utilizado por Mach (1948) en un sentido amplio. Según él, fuera de laexperimentación física (empírica), el hombre que llega a un desarrollo intelectual avanzado, recurre a menudo a la experimentación mental. Sin embargo, este tipo de experimento no es usual en la enseñanza de la física. Con intenciones didácticas se realiza un análisis histórico y epistemológico de la perspectiva Mach (1948) por considerar que su particular manera de asumir estos experimentos, permite recontextualizar estos en la enseñanza de la física. En esta perspectiva se asume el experimento mental como la construcción de un escenario hipotético donde se representan circunstancias o eventos que emergen de consecuencias igualmente creadas por el sujeto a partir de conjeturas que responden a una intencionalidad. En términos, el experimento mental puede ser asumido como una acción de pensamiento donde se valoriza la experiencia conservada por el recuerdo y el lenguaje, es decir, el experimento mental se constituye en un recurso de la imaginación que permite crear o visualizar mundos posibles. A partir del análisis de situaciones clásicas como la caída de los cuerpos en Galileo, El balde con agua en Newton para ilustrar el espacio absoluto, se establecen algunas características, funciones y legitimidad de los experimentos mentales. Finalmente se establecen implicaciones didácticas que permiten ejemplificar experimentos mentales y mostrar que el experimento mental puede ser una tentativa adecuada para la enseñanza de la física